Pro Patrimonio News

Ten Contemporary Experiments from Maria Cantili Golescu’s Culinary Recipe Book

The story of the notebook with “cooking recipes”, as Maria Cantili Golescu called it in 1900, enters a new stage in our project entitled „Maria Cantili Golescu – Culinary Recipe Book – recipes, tastes, objects and experiences”, carried out during this year aims to recover these fragments of taste over a century old, to give […]

Digitized Booklet “Recettes de Cusine”

More than recipes, a way of life A translation of a recipe notebook from 1900, written in four languages and taken by the author all the way from Paris to Bacău and Câmpulung at the beginning of the last century, cannot today remain a mere translation. It is, first and foremost, an immersion in the […]

Readings in residence – 25 March at the Golescu Villa

On Friday, March 25, from 17:00 at the Golescu Villa, Soldat Golescu nr. 3, in Câmpulung Muscel, there will be a special reading event, held as part of the Cărturești Scholarships and Creative Residencies programme, with writers Moni Stănilă and Alexandru Vakulovski as guests. Moni Stănilă is the winner of the 2nd edition of the […]

“Heritage in a Package. The Art Nouveau Style” Kits for Children at George Enescu House in Mihăileni and Neamțu Manor in Olari

April 2022 50 children from five communities surrounding the historical monuments George Enescu House in Mihăileni, Botoșani county and Neamțu Manor in Olari, Olt county, will receive “Heritage in a Package. The Art Nouveau Style” work kits before the Easter holidays. Pro Patrimonio’s Heritage Education Programme is a continuous, trans-annual and interdisciplinary programme through which […]

We launched the music manual “Introduction to the ABCs of Music. A guide for teachers and parents”

On the 4th of March, we launched a music manual — ‘’ Introduction to the ABCs of Music. Guide for teachers and parents’’, written by Diana Bratan, during an online webinar. It was inspired by the atmosphere, projects and needs of the children from communities around the George Enescu mansion in Mihaileni. The public for […]

Program de sprijin muzicieni ucraineni

Program sprijin muzicieni – Fundaţia Pro Patrimonio Fundaţia Pro Patrimonio se alătură iniţiativelor de sprijin şi solidaritate cu artiştii din Ucraina şi oferă posibilitatea de cazare şi creaţie în casele pe care le deţine. Astfel aceştia îşi pot continua profesia sau pot beneficia de un interval liniştit în care să îşi organizeze viaţa. Cel mai […]

The Culinary Diary of Maria Cantili Golescu-recipes, tastes, objects and experiments

Inspired by a discovery that gave us no peace during the pandemic, we are launching a new cultural and creative project that will bring together translators and linguists, chefs and culinary experts, students and craftsmen, in a unique concept dedicated to the Golescu Villa. In the Golescu family’s huge library, we discovered two recipe notebooks […]

“Introduction to the ABCs of Music. A guide for teachers and parents”

“Introduction to the ABCs of Music. A guide for teachers and parents”, edited and published by Pro Patrimonio Foundation in partnership with UiPath Foundation, aims to provide a minimum musical basis that a music or instrument teacher would do well to follow. The publication starts from the basics and gradually provides insights into more difficult […]

Creative Residency Accelerator

Concept Continuing its strategy of seeking models and solutions for cultural heritage, especially in the field of architecture, as a socio-economic and environmental resource, Pro Patrimonio Foundation proposes a productive model of cultural and entrepreneurial development through the Creative Residency Accelerator programme. Fostering creation and cultural education, access to knowledge production, encouraging artistic experimentation and […]

În memoria Marianei Celac

We would like to announce the publication of the latest issue of Secolul 21 magazine (no. 10-12/2020; 1-3/2021), with the support of the Romanian Order of Architects, dedicated to one of the most important personalities of contemporary Romania: architect, writer, artist, anti-dictatorship dissident and civic activist Mariana Celac. We thus honour the memory of Mariana […]

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