RECIPES, OBJECTS AND EXPERIMENTS.  A project inspired by Maria Cantili Golescu’s Culinary Diary from 1900.

RECIPES, OBJECTS AND EXPERIMENTS. A project inspired by Maria Cantili Golescu’s Culinary Diary from 1900.

We have gathered three seasons of research, trials and experiments in the fields of heritage education, object design and last but not least of culinary experience.

Maria Cantili Golescu’s culinary diary opens up a whole world of inspiration of bourgeois families in the 1900s, with spicy details of a lifestyle that naturally and playfully blends local and European influences, and invites biographical research into a female character from the Golescu family who has not had the chance to be much in the spotlight of historical stories.

Extras caiet Maria Cantili Golescu

So we want to share with the inhabitants of Câmpulung, with friends, collaborators and curious people from all over the world the sophisticated culinary discoveries in this notebook written in Romanian, English, French and German, to learn together how to clean hat feathers, how to waterproof the soles of shoes or how to make rice glue…like in 1900. We want to stroll through the ladies’ wardrobe of that period, follow the Golescu family’s genealogical thread, explore Mrs Cantili’s kitchen objects, taste the culinary experiments of the time and immerse ourselves musically and visually in the aristocratic atmosphere of 100 or so years ago.

How so?

Through an informal country party on October 1st in the courtyard of the Golescu Villa in Câmpulung Muscel!

The programme is packed with content but approachable:


– Those who have not yet tried our Berechet architectural tour of the city are invited from 11am to pick up their treasure hunt maps and quietly enjoy the beautiful city of Câmpulung

– This year we are also inaugurating a prototype of a culinary map of the city that we invite you to explore and even complete with suggestions and preferences.


– Opening event in the courtyard of the Golescu Villa: a short history of the project and a short guide to explore the site


–           Fill the afternoon with music and vintage visual sequences, local snacks, exhibitions and launches of all kinds.

  • Launch of the Maria Cantili Golescu Recipe Booklet with 22 historical recipes rewritten by contemporary culinary experts.
  • Launch of the new Honest Goods #2 collection, inspired by Maria Cantili Golescu’s recipes, objects and lifestyle
  • Exhibition of art installations dedicated to Maria Cantili Golescu and made by the children from Câmpulung during the summer heritage workshops: culinary tour of the garden, clothing exhibition, family tree of the Golescu family, old culinary objects and practical tips from 1900
  • Exhibition of portraits of Maria Cantili Golescu
  • Visitors can try out three do-it-yourself workshops in calligraphy, linocutting and family tree building

18:00-19:00 – Cantili recipe competition with prizes

We invite cooks and amateurs alike to try preparing a recipe from the book and enter it in a competition judged by the participants by tasting.

We invite you to choose from the extensive cookbook: https://www.propatrimonio.org/maria-cantili-golescu-retete-de-bucatarie/

We suggest sweet or savoury dishes that do not require heating and can be sliced or shared for the whole audience to taste.

19:00-20:00 – Movie night

Party preparations and suggestions:

  • Look for an old and interesting recipe at home that you can leave as a memento in your calligraphy table exercise book.
  • Spice up your casual garden attire with a vintage item that complements the 1900s atmosphere suggested by Maria Cantili Golescu. Basic attire should also include warm evening clothes. We suggest: șuba (shepherd’s wool cloak), pearls and boots, to check all criteria.
  • Those who would like to participate, don’t forget the competition preparation!


“Maria Cantili Golescu’s Culinary Diary-recipes, tastes, objects and experiments” is a cultural project of Pro Patrimonio Foundation co-financed by AFCN.

Media partners: Scena 9, Rock FM, Muscel TV, Zeppelin Magazine; Friend project: Ierburi Uitate

The digitized booklet, “Recettes de Cuisine”, can be found in the Foundation’s library of useful resources here 

The extended booklet here



Read more

Maria Cantili Golescu’s Culinary Diary – Recipes, Tastes, Objects and Experiments. Press Release.

Standerul de haine cu garderoba Mariei Cantili Golescu şi alte poveşti

„Recettes de Cuisine”, caietul digitalizat 

Girdle, ustensilă istorică de gătit 

Zece Experimente Contemporane din Jurnalul Culinar Maria Cantili Golescu 

Ansamblul Golescu. Observator de Peisaj Cultural în Câmpulung Muscel 

Ansamblul Golescu. Trasee botanice în Parcul Golescu 

Honest Goods. Colecţia Golescu

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