Honorary Members

Each year, our Foundation chooses its honorary members from the people who act and have noteworthy results in the field of heritage protection, rescue and promoting.

Indrei Raţiu

Co-founder and Distinguished Honorary Member of Pro Patrimonio Foundation. With a diploma from Cambridge, having worked as journalist and presently management consultant, Indrei Rațiu, son of former Peasants’ Party leader Ion Rațiu, has constantly taken part in the elaboration of Pro Patrimonio’s strategy. He is member of The Rațiu Family Foundation and of the Rațiu Center for Democracy in Turda.

Raluca Știrbăț

Founder and president of George Enescu International Society in Viena, pianist Raluca Știrbăț is a tireless supporter successful in the classification, rescue and reactivation of George Enescu House in Mihăileni, Botoșani county.

Niculina Buturugă and Alexandru Buturugă

The Buturugă family have been actively involved in the classification procedure of the house on Schitu Măgureanu Street no. 9, Bucharest, built by architect Horia Creangă, as well as in actions that supported its consolidation and rehabilitation in a sustainable way and with respect for the values of heritage.

Radu Miclescu

Architect Radu Miclescu supported the restoration initiative of the wooden church in Cervicești and of traditional crafts.

Alexandru Tomescu

The violinist Alexandru Tomescu played a special part in the promotion and raising of funds for the restoration of the wooden church in Urşi, Vâlcea County, and of George Enescu House in Mihăileni, Botoşani County. For his merit and involvement, he was invited to become a member of the Pro Patrimonio Foundation’s Directive Board.

Mariana Celac

Architect Mariana Celac (1936-2018) has been awarded this distinction for her dedication, determination and constant consulting services offered to Pro Patrimonio Foundation in the implementation of its projects. With remarkable editorial and professional practice, Mariana Celac has encouraged the exploration of innovative directions by involving rural and urban communities in the perceived architecture through living habits. 60 de biserici de lemn and the rescue and resettlement of the church in Pojogeni.

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