Call for participation

Call for participation

In the framework of the project “Forgotten Texts – Historical Plasterwork. Research and practical studies for repair and maintenance”, in order to carry out a study that will be relevant and useful at the national level, among architects and builders dealing with the repair, restoration and refurbishment of historic buildings, Pro Patrimonio expresses its intention and need to collaborate with three broad categories of organisations:

  1. Suppliers and manufacturers of building materials in order to find out information about products and materials that can be considered for the repair of different plasters and textures, compatible materials for restoration to be tested and analysed, technical advice for the use of the products provided;
  2. Contractors and beneficiaries with sites in progress, with a preference for historic building facades. In this case, technical information from restoration sites working on plasterwork is needed and to be able to receive the project team to observe the solutions adopted and how to work or to allow experimentation and testing of recipes 1.
  3. Public institutions and administrations, town halls and county directorates of culture to facilitate access to information. At the end of the project all these data will be able to be included in the specifications.

1 Pro Patrimonio reserves the right to choose from the wide range of deterioration only a few that will be investigated as most frequent and serious.

To facilitate the collection of this data please fill in this Google Form or send an email to propatrimonio.romania@gmail.com by 28 February 2023.

 “Forgotten Texts – Historical Plasterwork. Research and practical studies for repair and maintenance” is a project carried out by Pro Patrimonio Foundation, supported by the Romanian Order of Architects through the Architecture Stamp Tax and PSC Group.


2023 Project

Historical plasterwork: Practical research. Stage II

2019 Project

Forgotten Textures: Inter-war Bucharest

Forgotten Textures: Inter-war Bucharest. Plastering Recipe Book, Pro Patrimonio 2019/ second edition, 2021

SOS patrimoniul. Intervenții civice

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