Cycle Patrimoine – 3rd edition. Romania’s spa and thermal heritage: past and future.

Cycle Patrimoine – 3rd edition. Romania’s spa and thermal heritage: past and future.

Paris, September 18th 2024

On September 18, ICR Paris and Pro Patrimonio France invite you to discover Herculane Baths, Govora Baths, Câmpulung and the Romanian Black Sea coast, remarkable places in Romania. The exhibition provides an overview of this thermal and spa heritage, situating it in the European landscape, while offering an insight into the processes involved in its conservation, preservation and enhancement. The exhibition will include documents, photographs, archival and contemporary short films, case studies and examples of good practice. 

Curated by Caroline d’Assay, President of Pro Patrimonio France, with the collaboration of two heritage architects working in France, Alina Jornea-Tataru and Paul Stancioiu, this exhibition is part of the third edition of the ICR Paris Cycle Patrimoine program, focusing on the role of civil society in safeguarding and capitalizing Romanian heritage.

The event is part of the European Heritage Days, September 21-22, 2024. Details here 

Opening: September 18th, 2024, 19.30 o’clock

Conference: September 18th, 2024, 19.00 o’clock

Exhibition: September 18th– November 5th, 2024; Monday-Friday 10:00-18:00

The exhibition is open on Saturday, September 21st, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, on the occasion of European Heritage Days 2024.

Macadam Gallery, Romanian Cultural Institute, 1 rue de l’Exposition 75007 Paris, France

Free entry.

Exhibition panels

Read also:

Cycle Patrimoine – ediţia a II-a 


Manifesto for the heritage protection in Romania

Manifesto for the heritage protection in Romania

The European Cultural Heritage Summit is the annual gathering of Europe’s cultural heritage stakeholders. It is organised by Europa Nostraa pan-European federation of heritage NGO’s, which counts some 250 member organisations together with more than 100 associate organizations, representing 5 million citizens. Every year, in addition to the flagship European Heritage Awards Ceremony, the summit includes a meeting on European public policies in the field of cultural heritage. Every year, Europa Nostra undertakes to debate and then draw public policy guidelines for the European institutions. This year, the theme of the meeting was quality principles in heritage conservationemphasising the need for clear frameworks of action to ensure quality results in cultural heritage practice at European level.

The Romanian organizations active in relation with Europa Nostra, at the initiative of Pro Patrimonio Foundation and the Romanian Order of Architects, have mobilized for the first time in a very large number – over 60 organizations – to produce a manifesto related to cultural heritage in Romania. An important argument are the new mandates starting this year at all administrative levels in Romania. It is also an important moment for a synchronized action with Europa Nostra to communicate the expectations of Romanian civil society concerned and active in the protection of cultural heritage to the Romanian decision makers.

The conclusion emerged from the discussions that took place on Saturday, October 5, 2024, when non-governmental organizations and professionals involved in cultural heritage preservation gathered for the first time in Bucharest, in a round table, on the margins of the European Cultural Heritage Summit on October 6-8, to discuss the experiences they had in their projects and to agree on common priorities for action for the protection of cultural heritage in Romania.

The demands and priority principles for action were included in a Manifesto for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Romania, which was presented in its final form at the Public Policy Agora, which took place during the European Cultural Heritage Summit on Tuesday, October 8.

Acknowledging that:

  1. Heritage is a natural part of citizens’ daily life;
  2. Heritage defines the cultural identity and collective memory of communities;
  3. Heritage is a valuable economic resource, contributing to the creation of a large number of direct and indirect lucrative jobs;
  4. Heritage is a factor for sustainable urban development in the context of resilience to the climate crisis;
  5. Heritage is a fundamental factor for culture and education;

Civil society in Romania calls on the central and local public administration authorities to urgently implement a plan consisting of five actions, which will contribute to the improvement of the framework for the protection and capitalization of Romanian heritage:

  1. Adopt and apply European quality standards in cultural heritage practice, in all public and private initiatives and programs.
  2. Include environmental and cultural heritage impact assessments in the evaluation of the opportunity to demolish existing buildings.
  3. Drive an interdisciplinary and international working group to revise and update design standards for seismic protection and energy efficiency improvement for heritage buildings.
  4. Make a pilot project on sustainable urban development through heritage (industrial, spa, etc.) conservation and capitalization as an example of best practices with national impact.
  5. Implement a pilot project centered on a heritage trade school in international cooperation


Signatory organizations and people concerned in cultural heritage

1           Asociația CasApold

2           Fundația Biserici Fortificate

3           Fundația Pro Patrimonio

4           Asociația Biserici Înlemnite

5           Asociația Artis Peritia

6           Kraft Campus

7           Art Conservation Support (ACS)

8           Nod Makerspace

9           Asociația Front la Dunăre

10         Asociatia Ivan Patzaichin Mila 23

11         Human Made Art/ Cronicari Digitali

12         Universitatea Națională de Arte-București

13         112Patrimoniu – GL Patrimoniu al OAR București

14         Asociația Youth Vision for Society

15         Asociatia ARA – Arhitectura. Restaurare. Arheologie

16         Grupul Civic Piața Veche Craiova

17         Asociația GEYC

18         Asociația 37

19         Rafinăria la prezent


21         Asociația Pro Noviodunum

22         Asociația Gaspar, Baltasar & Melchiror/Școala de la Piscu

23         Asociația Ideilagram

24         Asociația Unda Verde

25         Librariile Cărturești

26         Raluca Chițimia

27         MKBT: Make Better

28         Asociația Re:Rise

29         Asociația Profesională a Urbaniștilor din România (APUR)

30         Asociația Studio Zona

31         Asociatia Maria

32         Asociatia Monumentum/Ambulanta pentru monumente

33         Asociatia Inima Olteniei

34         Asociația ARHAIC / Ambulanța pentru Monumente Sălaj

35         Asociatia ACTUM

36         Asociatia De-a Arhitectura

37         ATU – asociația pentru tranziție urbană

38         Zero Positive Architecture SRL

39         Baza. Deschidem orașul

40         Asociatia Rosia Montan in Patrimoniul Mondial

41         Asociația culturală Aici A Stat

42         Asociația Laborator Zero Pozitiv Oradea

43         Asociația Petrus Italus Trust- Alianța pentru patrimoniul bistrițean

44         Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Optolectronica INOE 2000

45         Bogdan Simona-Loredana

46         Timișoara verde-albastră


48         Fundația Mihai Eminescu Trust

49         ICOMOS – Comitetul Național Român

50         Atelierul de Patrimoniu

51         Asociația Tri

52         Asociația ARTA în dialog (UrbanEye Film Festival)

53         ArhipeisajStudio.srl

54         Asociatia Salvati Conacul Zarifopol

55         Asociația pentru Arheologie Industrială – AIR

56         Studiogovora

57         Rencontres du Patrimoine Europe-Roumanie

58         Asociația Culturală „Patrimoniu pentru Viitor”

59         Asociația de Dezvoltare Intercomunitara Zona Metropolitana Bucuresti (ADIZMB)

60         ARCEN

61         Uniunea Arhitectilor din Romania

62         Ordinul Arhitecților din România

63         Revista Arhitectura

64         Asociația Prin Banat

65         Asociatia Locus / HerculaneProject

66         Nod Makerspace

67         Asociatia EDUCATIE , ARTA , ECOLOGIE

68         Asociatia Istoria Artei


Read more: 

S-au anunțat 5 Grand Prix și Premiul Publicului la Ceremonia Premiilor Europene pentru Patrimoniu 2024 de la București

Societatea civilă cere statului să-şi să-și schimbe radical abordarea față de domeniul patrimoniului cultural

Specialiștii și activiștii din domeniu se reunesc pentru a stabili prioritățile comune pentru protejarea  patrimoniului cultural   

“Cycle Patrimoine” 2nd edition

“Cycle Patrimoine” 2nd edition

Paris, September 14th, 2023

The second edition of “Cycle Patrimoine” took place from September 14 th to October 5th, 2023 at the Macadam Gallery, Romanian Cultural Institute. The event in Paris brought together a dense programme of exhibitions and conferences on civil society initiatives for the protection and enhancement of heritage in Romania.

The exhibition was curated by Carolyne d’Assay, President of Pro Patrimonio France. It proposes the theme of safeguarding and reusing a particular architectural typology: CONAC, the secondary residence in the countryside for wealthy families since the Middle Ages, but also the main residence of the great landowners.


The event honours these less famous private buildings and their current fate. It also identifies and lists conservation initiatives for these places of the same type as Pro Patrimonio, as well as the diversity of these manor’s current owners and their uses.

Pro Patrimonio Foundation and the Romanian Cultural Institute want to present each year a set of valuable practices, grouped around a specific theme.

Each year, Pro Patrimonio Foundation and the Romanian Cultural Institute wish to present a set of valuable practices, articulated around a specific theme.

The event was organized in partnership with the Romanian Embassy in France.


Download the booklet in French  Manoirs en Roumanie. „Les Conac”, Vie et Destin



Workshop and School on Țibănești work site

Workshop and School on Țibănești work site

Școala-atelier de meșteșuguri pe șantierul de la Țibănești

Since 2006 a cultural program called “Batem fierul la conac !” (“Hitting the iron at the manor”) was initiated at the Petre P. Carp Manor in Ţibăneşti, Iaşi County. The program includes a series of workshops for traditional crafts and experimental techniques and is coordinated by Asociația Maria in partnership with Pro Patrimonio Foundation. All activities grouped around the P.P. Carp Manor make up a school for crafts designed primarily for the villagers from Ţibăneşti, but also for all aware of the value of cultural heritage and the need to pass on it to their children. The historical complex of national importance Petre P. Carp from Ţibăneşti consists of a manor, a church, a mausoleum and the auxiliary building. The dendrological park was not returned and remains in the administration of local authorities. More about the complex and program here:


The program addressed the students from the faculties of architecture, restoration, art, construction, archeology, photography, to local people, specialists, as well as those interested in the subject is an alternative to standard educational offers . The workshop is supported by the presence of the Mraz Fotopoetika School – lectures, projections and exhibitions, which poetically “maps” the activities and cultural landscape of Ţibăneşti.

“In the manor workshops we have learned not to seek universal prescriptions and formulas, but to consider each case independently, to see how important the context a material is used in is, the fact that it must be modeled properly while taking into account its properties, and allow our hands to imprint it and fill it with content, “says the organizer of the workshop, the Asociația Maria.

In September 2017, the association Carpenters Without Borders and a class of apprentice carpenters from Les Compagnons du Devoir and Tour de France in Rouen came to voluntarily restore the roofing of the Ţibăneşti ironwork shopthat had been under restoration for 10 years. The new roofing will allow us to create a new usable space. This will be an important aid for continuing the project in Ţibăneşti, in organizing courses and workshops dedicated to traditional crafts. The work process, starting with documenting how ash and oak log have been moved, studied and carved by craftsmen and apprentices, has been documented in an online workshop diary here:


Details about the workshop and craft school at the P.P. Carp Manor from Ţibăneşti

The Gates of Brașov

The Gates of Brașov

60 Wooden Churches The Gates of Brașov projectcoordinated by architect Silvia Demeter-Lowe, wanted to save the gates in the historical center of Brașov, thus offering the owners a hand in repairing or refurbishing the gates and, at the same time, draw attention to the importance of preserving these elements of architectural heritage. The works were executed by craftsmen specialized in wood and metal conservation using traditional materials and techniques.

The project was initiated in 2009 when a citizen of Brasov requested the help of Pro Patrimonio Foundation because he wished that the hundred-year-old wooden gate of the court in which he lived could be rescued.

Works for restoration and giving value to the gate soon followed ( 16 Brâncoveanu Street, Brașov).

The next step was to identify other gates as potential candidates for restoration. They needed to meet criteria such as architectural and historical value, position within the city and, last but not least, the owners’ desire to get involved.

Details on Igloo magazine: https://www.igloo.ro/portile-brasovului -2/




Pro Patrimonio Foundation supported the 2013 advent band album FOLLOW – Lost end found. Music + architecture – because music and architecture, though different in their ways and means of expression, give voice to common values and interests. Architectural heritage trails should be protected and cherished with responsibility and consideration, and re-given to the community they are part of.

The album is accompanied by a book with documented historical monuments: Matache Hall (Bucharest), Macca House (Bucharest), Timişoara Citadel Synagogue, Mincu House in Bucharest (Romanian Architects Order), Casa cu Lei in Constanţa, Palatul Cantacuzino in Floresti (PH), Constanta Casino, Malaxa Pipe Factory in Bucharest and Suceava Water Plant.

More details here:

Mai multe aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBTWopXqyZk

Working Holidays 2019

Working Holidays 2019

Working holidays organized by Foundation Pro Patrimonio in 2019

These holidays are organised by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation – Romania’s National Trust. The Foundation was set up in 2000 to save, preserve and restore the architectural and cultural heritage of Romania. It provides support for the restoration and re-use of historic buildings and actively promotes the use of appropriate construction techniques and traditional craftsmanship.

1. Traditional lime plaster from Potters The German Manor, Olt

The Olari mansion, a National Heritage Monument, is situated in Olt County and is very close to the Danube. It is one of the few remaining examples of a preserved Neo-Romanian style property in the south of the country. The mansion’s history starts around 1400 and, having been through numerous changes of ownership, it was completely restructured by Ion Mincu, one of Romania’s most celebrated architects. Further changes were made early last century, including the addition of belvedere towers and balconies, in a style heavily influenced by the Art Nouveau movement.

The working holiday will focus on using traditional techniques for plaster on interior and exterior walls.

Meeting point: We can advise on local transport links to Olari.

Accommodation: You can choose from camping on site (2 tents provided by the Foundation) or 2 rooms (each with 3 beds) in the mansion. Bedding is provided, please bring towels.

Dates: 15/07/2019 – 21/07/2019

Price: 160 € (£145*) for camping or 200 € (£181*) for accommodation in the mansion. (*An approximate GBP £ price based on an exchange rate of 1.1022 on 24 Oct 2018.)

2. Learn Blacksmithing & Traditional Crafts at the Manor, Moldavia

Aceasta este o oportunitate de a încerca şi învăţa meșteșugurile tradiționale în zona în care Petre Carp a construit un conac la sfârșitul secolului al XVII-lea. Mai multe clădiri anexe au fostridicate de-a lungul anilor, inclusiv un mausoleu neo-gotic de familie proiectat de Gustave Eiffel. Conacul, clădirile înconjurătoare și parcurile istorice formează un ansamblu arhitectural unic în regiunea deluroasă a Moldove din estul României. În prezent, conacul este un centru cultural în continuă dezvoltare, iar în fiecare vară, Asociația Maria, în parteneriat cu Pro Patrimonio, organizează ateliere care acoperă diverse meșteșuguri tradiționale, inclusiv fierărie, sculptură în lemn, tehnici de restaurare, ceramică, tâmplărie, conservare frescă și tencuieli. Vacanţa de lucru de lucru va fi centrată în jurul acestor ateliere.

Meeting point: We can advise on local transport links to Tibanesti.

Accommodation: Accommodation and meals are provided in several historic buildings in the grounds.

Dates: 28/07/2019 – 11/08/2019

Price: 260 € (£236*) This price includes planned visits to some local attractions. There is the opportunity to organise additional visits for an extra charge. (*An approximate GBP £ price based on an exchange rate of 1.1022 on 24 Oct 2018.)

3. Permaculture in the Historical Park at Izvoru, Southern Central Romania

Această vacanţă oferă șansa de a descoperi istoria și frumusețea Conacului și Parcului Perticari-Davila din Izvoru alcătuit din 100 de hectare de-a lungul văii râului Teleorman. În ultimul an, datorită restabilirii activității agricole zona locală a revenit încet la viață. Folosind practici agricole care respectă oamenii și natura și veți fi parte a unei echipe care va contribui la crearea unei agriculturi durabile și autonome la scară mică, inspirată de principiile permaculturii. Scopul este ca acesta să devină un model pentru numeroasele situri din regiune care au fost distruse în timpul și după perioada comunistă. Organizatori sunt Asociația Domeniul Davila-Perticari și Fundația Pro Patrimonio.

Meeting point: We can advise on local transport links to Izvoru.

Accommodation: You can choose from camping on site or stay in one common sleeping room with 4 beds. Bedding is provided, please bring towels.

Dates: 08/07/2019 – 14/07/2019

Price: 120 € (£109*)

To book please email: bucharest@propatrimonio.org stating your preferred holiday and contact details. For more information about this organisation go to www.propatrimonio.org

Tablou activitati Working Holidays 2019

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