How was the 4th edition of Concerts on Siret

How was the 4th edition of Concerts on Siret

Interviu Radio România Muzical

Constantly with us over the years, Radio Romania Music presents the developments, needs and achievements we have at the George Enescu House in Mihăileni. And this year too, in a wide-ranging interview conducted by Ariadna Ene-Iliescu with pianist Raluca Știrbăț, the picture of this moment is presented, which you can discover below. 

”The president of the International Society „George Enescu” in Vienna, pianist Raluca Știrbăț, is also the initiator of the project to save Enescu’s house in Mihăileni. She recently spoke to our colleague Ariadna Ene-Iliescu about the „Concerts on Siret” festival:

„Concerts on the Siret” is an annual event, which aims to integrate the „George Enescu” House in Mihăileni into the cultural and educational circuit in the area and nationally. What is the current state of the house in Mihăileni?

Radio Romania Music has always supported us, even from the first days of the campaign to save the house. We had a small problem, so to say, a problem that unfortunately is common in more and more old houses made of clay, stone or brick, a fungus, a biological attack, but we will solve it. We hope to get rid of this by the fall. Of course, we still need some money, so all donations to the „Pro Patrimonio” Foundation are welcome. This year we marked Enescu Day on August 19 with a blue and red „supermoon” and an exceptional ensemble of children from Havârna playing folk games and music, but the concerts are being held at the „Miclescu” Manor House in Călinești and the „Moruzi” Manor House in Vârful Câmpului. We already had a very nice concert on Wednesday – a recital of arias and lieder, I also sang a solo, but the „focus” was on the exceptional soprano Tehmine Schaeffer, who came especially from Vienna. And on Sunday – the final concert of the young masterclass participants. Also, in September there will be another concert at the „Moruzi” mansion in Vârful Câmpului, a concert by the „PlaCello” Ensemble, also from Bucharest, with Răzvan Suma, Ștefan Cazacu, Mircea Marian and Ella Bokor, four cellists with a very beautiful program.

Between August 17-25 you are mentoring a young generation of pianists, as you said, students from music colleges in Botoșani, Suceava, Iași, Bacău, Piatra-Neamț and Bucharest. How do you go about working with these trainee performers?

The number 9 seems to have become the magic number in our masterclass, because we start at 9 and finish at 9 and we work about nine hours a day. Unlike other courses, I do the courses the way I like to do them, so that each child has one hour of class every day, so seven hours on paper which works out well towards eight to nine hours. We mainly work on new programs that they are just figuring out now in the summer for next year, but we also work on a concert piece that they already have well worked on from the previous year.

What kind of audience do the events in the „Concerts on the Siret” series have?

We are very happy that the audience is getting bigger and more varied. There are also people from the local area, who enjoy it tremendously. We have a lot of music lovers from Botoșani, Iași, Bacău, Piatra-Neamț, and the audience is getting bigger every year. This is already our fourth edition and we hope to grow over time.

What future plans are there for the „George Enescu” house from Mihăileni?

The house in Mihăileni will simply be a living place, a place where music is made and not just music, but also music education, a wide variety of activities dedicated to young people and children in the area – from painting to theatre, crafts. The „Pro Patrimonio” Foundation and the „Maria” Association, and I must also mention the „Dream Horses” Association, are basically the initiators, partners and supporters of these projects. They are very much involved. When the work to eliminate this biological attack is finished, the activities will continue without interruption. It is also a home where one can live, write, compose and create very well and with great inspiration. It is a place where various musical residencies have already taken place, so musicians have lived there – a string quartet. I would like to organize a small symposium in the future, maybe, or in the same way, residencies in other fields – in literature or architecture… because it’s a place that really charges you up!”

Concerts on the Siret 4th edition in images

19th August 2024 public event held in the courtyard of the George Enescu House in Mihăileni 

Folk dance ensemble „Zorile Havârna”. Coordinator – Ionel Roboschi, Choreographer – Narcis Fediuc

Vocal group „Armonia” of the secondary school „Ioan Cernat”, Havârna. Coord. – prof. Roberta Mihalciuc, prof. Ciprian Ignat

August, 17-25 Masterclass held by pianist Raluca Știrbăț at Miclescu Manor, Călinești, Bt

August 21, 19:00 o’clock Recital of arias and lieder

Tehmine Schaeffer – soprano (Vienna) and Raluca Știrbăț – piano at Miclescu Manor, Călinești, Bt, Sala din Deal 

August 25th, 18:00 o’clock Concert of young pianists participating in the Masterclass, students of music colleges from Botoșani, Suceava, Iași, Bacău, Piatra-Neamț and Bucharest, Miclescu Manor, Călinești, Bt, Sala din Deal

Theodora Epuran, Narcis Artenie, Bianca Andreea Havîrneanu, Luca Cirstean, Ruxandra Blandu, George Taranu, Alexandra Mariţencu Caia


Images and video: Raluca Ştirbăţ archive

Initiators: Pro Patrimonio Foundation, Maria Association, Internationale George Enescu Gesellschaft Wien, Dream Horses. Partners: Bucecea City Hall, Elsaco, PlaCello. Sponsors: Egger, Ideograf, Cella Cosimex SRL.

Photo: Florin Timofte

September 16th, 17:00 o’clock, Moruzi Manor, Vârfu Câmpului, Bt

PlaCello Ensemble: Răzvan Suma, Ella Bokor, Ștefan Cazacu, Mircea Marian. Special guest: Natsumi Kuboyama (piano, JPN). On the program works by: Haendel, Charpentier, Haydn, Schumann, Rossini, Popper, Shostakovich.

Lecture by PhD. Remus Tanasă, researcher Institute of History “A.D. Xenopol”, Iași

Images and recordings of this concert that defied the dark rain clouds and delighted the audience in the courtyard of the Moruzi Manor can be found in the article by Mrs. Florentina Toniţa for Botoşani News, photo/video: Botoșani News / Florin Timofte

Patru violonceliști români și o pianistă din Japonia în curtea Conacului Moruzi, o poveste despre arta care unește! (Foto, Video)

Câteva gânduri despre Enescu – the lecture given by PhD. Remus Tanasă, researcher at the Institute of History “A.D. Xenopol” Iași, at the end of the concert at the Moruzi Manor.


If you want to know more about the events and the needs of the Enescu House, you can visit

Enescu House in Mihăileni on its third life



Details and images from previous editions of Concerts on Siret:

Concerte pe Siret, ediţia a IV-a, 17-25 august 2024

Concerte pe Siret. Concert final Masterclass, 22 august 2023. Călinești, Sala din Deal.

Concerte pe Siret, ediția a III-a

Cum a fost la Concerte pe Siret, ediţia a II-a

Cum a fost la „Concerte pe Siret” ediţia I

„Concerte pe Siret”. 140 de ani de la nașterea lui George Enescu

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