Workshop Masks Villa Golescu February 2018

Workshop Masks Villa Golescu February 2018

Under the careful guidance of Andeea Machidon 12 children from Olari village gathered at Neamțu Manor on February 16 and 25 children from Câmpulung got together at Golescu Villa on February 17 and got to work creating MĂșTIȘOARE. The stories of characters who once lived in Câmpulung as well as stories from the creative-ludic world of Romanian traditional masks were retold in drawing through the crafts and culinary projects.
At the end, the cinematographic moment specific to the manor workshops was doubled by a series of creatively „assembled” snacks under the shape of characters … to be tasted.
Special thanks to teacher Liliana Chera, Andrei Săvescu (Asociația Edu Action) and the Scouts Patrole Units in Câmpulung, as well as to the dedicated volunteer, architect Roxana Jilescu.
Education for Heritage/ Educație pentru patrimoniu is one of Pro Patrimonio Foundation’s 4 projects underway this year under the umbrella of the European Year of Cultural Heritage – EYCH 2018. It consists in a series of heritage educative workshops dedicated to children taking place on heritage sites in three different locations: Neamțu Manor in Olari village, Olt county, Perticari- Davila Manor in Izvoru village, Argeș county, and Golescu villa in Câmpulung, Argeș county.
#EuropeForCulture, #EYCH2018

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