The Project “Education for Heritage” in 2019

The Project “Education for Heritage” in 2019

Following its mission to conserve, rescue and reactivate the cultural heritage, especially in the realm of architecture, in Romania, Pro Patrimonio Foundation focuses on practical projects for the protection and rehabilitation of heritage, , but also on the community involvement and identitary self-awareness, the memory and the value of cultural heritage.

Our projects for heritage education have focused from the beginning on the consolidation of a lasting relationship between a community and the cultural elements of value in its immediate vicinity through a more or less structured series of workshops and events dedicated to young audiences.

In the past three years, the children’s communities around the Neamțu Mansion in Olari, the Perticari-Davila Mansion in Izvoru and the Golescu Villa in Câmpulung-Muscel have benefited from constant activities that investigated the local material and immaterial heritage through games, models, practical workshops and crafts. Over 12 caravan workshops have thus been organized – Izvoru-Olari-Golescu – creating a habit within the respective communities.

The project “Education for Heritage” structures, transforms and enriches the meetings and workshops that occured so far in a heritage program that will be tested in these three communities, but is also dedicated and meant to be put into practice in any other community that wishes to encourage creative exploration of local cultural values and heritage by children.

The project aims to:

– making and implementing the program in 5 practical workshops that involve investigating the world of heritage through games and challenges about the jobs of heritage specialists and carrying out architectural projects (arranging their own play space, workshop, cinema or reading space) and gardening on a 1: 1 team scale, as well as celebrating the projects which ran over the year together with the whole community in a dedicated event;

– preparing a digital guide and a workbook for childrenaccessible online, which may be used in the future by other interested people or teachers eager to implement such a project in their own community;

– preparing of the support materials needed to support such workshops;

– creating a first set of objects, toys and gamesmechanisms for the promotion, development and growth of such post-project activities;

– Making short film for presenting and promoting the project that are accessible in the online environment.

We hope we can:

– enrich the existing educational offer through accessible educational programs addressed especially to disadvantaged or vulnerable communities where the cultural heritage is threatened;

– continue and encourage long-term initiatives of this kind both within the communities involved in the project, as well as in other communities;

– bring communities closer to the object and notion of heritage and to the foundation’s activities (both during and after the project) by using the spaces and equipment from the project for educational purposes, to care for the new gardens and even for personal initiatives;

– create a mechanism for workshop and event self-maintenance at the manors by donating to events and sales after the financing period of educational toys.

Cultural project co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the financing.

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