Știrbei Palace

Știrbei Palace


In June 2020, the Bucharest City Hall put up for public debate their intention phase of elaborating a local urban plan “Construction of the multifunctional complex Știrbei Palace, 107 Calea Victoriei”. The project provoked reactions from civil society due to many issues that seriously affect the quality of the built environment, the protected area and the heritage building.


The main observations made by the Pro Patrimonio Foundation are: the new proposal seriously affects the symbolic image of Știrbei Palace, the PUZ eliminates the historical gardens in front and behind the palace. It has been requested that the proposal be corrected to take into account the following:

  1. Maintaining the Știrbei Palace as a dominant part of the ensemble and protecting its image through an adequate arrangement of the new construction;
  2. Preservation of the façade garden from Calea Victoriei and its historical enclosure;
  3. Restoration of the garden behind the palace, a natural garden, not simulated under a glass roof.

Unfortunately, the planner responded to these comments by confirming his intention not to take any of the comments into account. As proof, the consultation notice for the drafting and approval part of the project was launched on September 8th.

We recommend

the article published by architect Dan Marin  “Știrbei Palace Garden or restoration as a mystification of history” on the Contributors website from 8/21/2020. 

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

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