Inauguration of Perticari-Davila Estate Agrofarm 2017

Inauguration of Perticari-Davila Estate Agrofarm 2017

On 27 May 2017 the The Perticari-Davila Estate Association organized the inauguration of the local farm with guest speakers: arch. Raluca Munteanu, program coordinator for Pro Patrimonio; Mrs. Irina Ghica Cantacuzino, owner of the estate, Mrs. Clarisse Deniau, the president of the association, Nicolas Triboi, director of the association, and Mr. Claudiu Neguţ, mayor of Izvoru commune, Arges county. The event was followed by the blessing of the manor and the farm, a visit of the historic park and the production area and the presentation of a photo exhibition.
The Perticari-Davila Estate Associationwas born in November 2016 out of the desire to bring back to life an important historical estate that has been left behind in recent years. Since then, cultural and local heritage activities have been organized and this year the foundations for a vegetable, organic, and productive farm have been set. The Association brings to light the local cultural heritage and landscape in order to define a truly viable economic, innovative and autonomous model that can provide a dynamic shift to rural areas that are often lacking in vision.

The historical park of the Davila-Perticari Estate in Izvoru, Argeş County and its organic farm open its doors throughout the year to all those who want to join the association. The association wants to be productive, and in its basket one finds not just vegetables, but also the values of its vision of the world: it supports and develops proximity agriculture, encourages local labor force; favors urban and rural ties between consumer and producer, and participates in the training of organic farming specialists.

Details https://intofarms.org/izvoru-farm/

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