Creative Residency Accelerator

Creative Residency Accelerator


Continuing its strategy of seeking models and solutions for cultural heritage, especially in the field of architecture, as a socio-economic and environmental resource, Pro Patrimonio Foundation proposes a productive model of cultural and entrepreneurial development through the Creative Residency Accelerator programme. Fostering creation and cultural education, access to knowledge production, encouraging artistic experimentation and entrepreneurial initiatives are this programme’s key directions.

In this way, we bring together European guidelines for action to challenge sustainable development for future generations. Architectural heritage becomes, in partnership with the business environment, an accelerating vehicle for culture as a collective resource.

We start by introducing the first project of the programme: the creative residencies for culture and environment hosted by the Golescu Ensemble (Villa and Dendrological Park) – Cultural Landscape Observatory in Câmpulung Muscel.



What is a creative residency

A creative residency is a temporary period during which an artist/creator/author/professional working in the fields of interest is engaged in creating/experimenting and developing a specific project, with logistical support (accommodation, grant and specific materials to carry out the project) for a fixed period of time.

The person selected to carry out the residency at the Golescu Villa in Câmpulung Muscel will live there for one month to carry out the project selected by a jury. During the residency, participants are encouraged to present at least one public event for the local community and the general public.


How residents are selected

There will be a public call for applications for residency projects for a specific area and period of time, based on a set of rules of participation that is developed by the Foundation. The call is announced through the Foundation’s channels and those of its media partners.

Pro Patrimonio specialists and invited guests with relevant experience in the field will select the shortlist of projects for residency, which will be posted on the Foundation’s website and presented to the general public. The jury will then select 2 finalists from the shortlist who will carry out their projects within the Golescu residency.

The residents will be able to benefit from guidance and counselling during the development of the project from Pro Patrimonio specialists and the invited jury.

Each residency will be implemented depending on the identification of funding sources, sponsors or donors directly involved.


Fields for residencies


  • Design, technology and/or crafts
  • Literature/poetry
  • Landscape/ ecology
  • Environmental journalism
  • Dance/ Choreography and body performances
  • Visual arts/ artistic research
  • Music
  • Architecture
  • Experimental film
  • Entrepreneurship for creative industries
  • Civic education


REZIDENŢE GOLESCU: Al doilea an al Burselor Cărtureşti

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