Series 08 – Forgotten Textures

Series 08 – Forgotten Textures

Smooth versus rough

Above the window, an art-deco-inspired plaster in smooth grooves, made of simple lime mortar which highlights through its frequent rhythm the semi-cylindrical shape of the corner volume and accentuates its verticality. In addition, this decorative plaster catches the eye through the subtle gradient play of shadow and light on the facade.

By contrast, the plaster base under the window is very rough and renders the shadows through a different, rugged play. A contrast that makes the charm of this modernist facade in Bucharest.

Zig-zag, zig-zag

A facade finish that is almost 100 years old and still keeps its edges sharp.

The soft mortar was “folded” according to an origami pattern with clear edges that creates pronounced shadows and accentuates the horizontality of the volume under the windows.

We can also notice that this decorative plaster is in the company of the black polished cement mosaic and the rough green ”terasit”-type plaster, together dressing the volumes in a tactile and visual play between shadow and light, though and porous.


Details from the project “Forgotten Textures – Inter-war Bucharest”, a Pro Patrimonio Foundation cultural project carried out in the fall of 2019 which resulted in the guide Forgotten Textures: Inter-war Bucharest. Plaster recipe book. Author: Ruxandra Sacaliş.


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