În memoria Marianei Celac

În memoria Marianei Celac

We would like to announce the publication of the latest issue of Secolul 21 magazine (no. 10-12/2020; 1-3/2021), with the support of the Romanian Order of Architects, dedicated to one of the most important personalities of contemporary Romania: architect, writer, artist, anti-dictatorship dissident and civic activist Mariana Celac.

We thus honour the memory of Mariana Celac (1936-2018), mathematician and architect, discreet personality with an unconventional cultural dimension, generous and supportive friend, with an exemplary emotional intelligence.

Mrs. Mariana Celac was an Honorary Member of Pro Patrimonio Foundation, which awarded her this distinction for her dedication, determination and continuous consultancy in the implementation of our projects.

With an outstanding professional, civic, editorial and literary practice, Mariana Celac has encouraged the exploration of innovative directions by engaging rural and urban communities in architecture as perceived through the practices of inhabitation. She was instrumental in defining the strategy for the 60 Wooden Churches project, in the rescue and relocation project of the Pojogeni church and in designing an alternative solution proposed by the Volunteer Architects for the Buzești-Berzei-Uranus Diameter, including the rescue of the Matache Hall in Bucharest.

Mariana Celac campaigned against rural systematisation and demolitions during the communist period. Her post-1990 research on housing in conditions of extreme poverty, her contribution to the coalescence of the architects’ guild and the formulation of architectural policies, as well as her post-2000 explorations of architecture and public space are some of the reasons why Mariana Celac is part of the history of Romanian architecture.

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Revista Secolul 21 can be purchased from Cărturești libraries


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